Thursday, March 21, 2013

march MARCH marching into SPRING 2013

dresses galore
summer pants
obi belts
joy oh joy

FOLLY 1005 NW 16th AVE
Portland, Oregon 97209

Support your local boutiques. xoxo.

cute cute top from Purple Clover and the yummiest linen/rayon pant from Level 99 - ash red

head off to the beach in this hi-low maxi from Purple Clover

Sarah Dress by Sarah Bibb - classic in navy with white dots & OBI belt

HUBBA HUBBA!!  this maxi from FLUXUS is so easy and pretty.. navy & green

the Cynthia Dress by Sarah Bibb...  2 shades of deep purple + OBI belt.  this dress is a pleaser.. and a pleasure!


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Happy New Year #follygirl

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